About Us
Our main emphasis lies heavily on professional and accurate local news coverage.
We are a Hispanic owned, Oklahoma owned media company that has been in business since 1988. Our print publications cover the State with over 350 rack locations throughout. Our prime publication, El Nacional Newspaper is Oklahoma’s largest and most read Hispanic publication in the State’s history. Our main emphasis lies heavily on professional and accurate local news coverage. Our news staff takes pride in bringing to lights hard hitting issues that face our community like immigration, health care and education. Since every great paper deserves an outstanding website, we offer our readers www.NoticiasOklahoma.com, an information rich website that delivers all of our local, national and international content in digital form 24/7. Other popular El Nacional products are, Vibraciones Magazine as well as our Hispanic Yellow Pages.
Our readers rely on the information that they can only get from one trusted source, El Nacional Media. El Nacional is proud to be an award winning member of NAHP, the National Association of Hispanic Publications.